Campaign tool info

i Valid Url formats for example:,
Avoid using fragment#
i Choose a marketing channel where you want to place the link
i -> Select link if you want to place the link as a text link or button
-> Select teaser if you want to place the link in a teaser/banner etc.
-> Other if it is non of the formats listed
i test
i Select a subcategory of the selected highlevel category
i Select partner id based on use case priority, commercial or service:
-> O2_DTI_APP_TEF_33023 - APP Priority
-> O2_DTI_APP_TEF_33024 - APP Commercial
-> O2_DTI_APP_TEF_33025 - APP Service
-> O2_DTI_APP_TEF_33026 - Other
-> BLU_DTI_APP_TEF_31121 - APP Priority
-> BLU_DTI_APP_TEF_31122 - APP Commercial
-> BLU_DTI_APP_TEF_31123 - APP Service
-> BLU_DTI_APP_TEF_31124 - Other
i Choose a strong campaign name. E.g. adventskalender2021
Avoid unsafe characters. E.g. " ", <>, [ ], { }, |, \, ^, %
Timestamp Saved URLs